Monday, February 20, 2012

Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?

I have seen two steering wheel in the flight's cockpit, does two pilots fly one plane at the same time? and Does passenger flights have parachutes for passengers?Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?One pilot is the pilot flying, and the other is the pilot not flying. Only one pilot is flying at a given time. The pilot not flying does other essential duties like talking to ATC, performing checklists, and the like.

Passenger planes do not have parachutes as they would be ineffective and could actually cause more danger to the flight in many circumstances. Don't worry, the plane isn't going to fall out of the sky.Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?
Airline flights do not have parachutes, for many reasons: they are too heavy, they require special training to put on and use, they take up too much space, there isn't any easy way to jump from a pressurized airplane at 35,000 feet, there isn't any way to control where people land with parachutes, most accidents would not be prevented by parachutes, and so on, and so on.

There are two steering wheels (called yokes when they are on an airplane) in the aircraft, but only one pilot flies at a time. There are two yokes so that one pilot can take over while the other rests or does other work, which is important on long flights. Also, having two pilots leaves someone who can fly the plane even if one pilot gets sick. The airplane can be flown by only one pilot, so having two is mainly just to share the workload and provide an extra pilot just in case.

Most of the time, airliners are flown by computer. The pilots only fly for take-off and landing, and the rest of the time the computer flies and they don't have to touch the controls. The computer can even land the airplane if necessary. The pilots can take over at any time, but normally they just monitor the flight to make sure the computer is flying the airplane as planned.Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?one is always in control of the aircraft at all times, if one leaves the cockpit or is incapacitated in some way, the other one takes over..

there are no parachutes in a plane for several reasons...

1) it's very hard to open a door at 35,000 feet.

2) if a plane exploded in mid air, you'd probably be dead anyway

3) even if you weren't killed by the initial explosion hypoxia could quickly set in and you'd die from that. The legal altitude a civilian is allowed to attempt a skydive is 30,000 feet with special training on how to overcome oxygen deprivation, and most jetliners fly above that anywayDoes two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?
One is a co-pilot in case something happens to the main pilot.

Most everything on any plane is redundant.

Sometimes they have a third man in the cockpit to watch the others.

No there are no parachutes. You couldn't jump if you wanted to because they fly so fast that you would be ripped apart when you jumped.Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?Only one pilot flies the airplane at any time. There are two controls so the co-pilot can take over if the pilot gets tired (on long flights)

Passenger flights do not have parachutes unless they are used for skydiving or aerobatic flight.Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?
One is the pilot flying, the other pilot not flying. Captain is the Pilot in Command, a legal term.

No parachutes.Does two pilots fly a plane simultaneously and does passenger flights have parachutes?
no and no

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