Sunday, February 26, 2012

What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?

Wondering since I'm going on a plane tomorrow and have a phobia of flying.What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?It has been reported that the odds of being involved in an automobile accident are higher compared to those of an airplane accident.What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?
idk but i was told i'm gunna die in a car crashWhat are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?In general, flying is a considerably safer way to travel on a per-mile basis.What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?
There are definitely more car crashes than airplane crashes. There are a lot more cars on the road than there are planes in the sky. The difference is that when a plane crashes, there are more lives lost than in an automobile. Personally, I've been on about 10 flights without an airplane crash. I don't know how many times I've been in a car, but I've been in one car accident already (and I'm just a kid).What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?People die in car crashes every day. It is a rare day when anyone dies in an airplane crash.

I used to be a flight attendant and I have been told that the chances of getting into a car crash are 200 times more likely than getting into one on an air craft!What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?
Whats the difference? We are here for a good time not a long time.
very high. Two reasons:1) cars are individual vehicles controlled by non-professionals with relatively little training compared to what is required for pilots. 2) with millions of cars on the very limited road area that our society builds (thank goodness for budget limitations or we would have paved over everything to feed this car obsession) compared with just hundreds of airplanes in the vast space from 0-50,000 feet altitude, it is obvious why flying is safer.

if the media published single paragraph articles or 1 minute clips of every car accident that occurs. you would hear an hour of tv coverage everyday of nothing but car crashes. Whoa.

it would be a great public service, because we would all be totally terrified of driving.

instead, they publish lengthy coverage of air crashes which happen just occasionally but kill 10's to hundreds each time. more spectacular, feeding our blood-lust, but COMPLETELY UNREPRESENTATIVE OF REALITY!

Stop driving and ride a bike or walk or take a bus.What are the chances of dying in a car crash compared to a air plane?
Air travel is the safest kind of travel, trust me I have flown nearly everyday for 18 years, and I haven't gone down once.
You will be safe. My daughter travels weekly to her jobs all over the world for the last five years and has had no problems. Have a great flight!
dont worry, planes are statiscically safer then driving. have a nice flight!
The facts are the following: many more people die in auto accidents each year in the United States (about 40,000) than in airplane crashes (less than 1,000). But that certainly doesn鈥檛 answer the question by itself. People spend a lot less time in airplanes than in cars, on average. In fact, it turns out that your risk of death per hour is about the same in a car as in a plane.
In the US, each year there are about 40,000 deaths per year in automobile accidents vs. about 200 in air transport. To put this in perspective, the chance of dying in an automobile accident is about 1000 times more than

winning a typical state lottery in a year.
sit nearer the back, tis the last bit to hit the ground from the air
The risk of dying in a car crash is GREATER than an airplane.

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