I'm taking my two year old daughter on a 3 and a half hour plane on July 24th and I'm nervous about it. What can I do to keep her occupied and entertained that can be kept in a backpack?How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?One word. Ipod. That is a LIFE saver. It's a lot less bulky than bringing a million DVDs and a player. Believe it or not our 22 month old nephew will watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on an ipod (with headphones, not ear buds, and the hold lock on so he can't turn up the sound) It keeps him quiet for a good half hour when we are traveling by car somewhere a few hours away. We'll hear him talking to the show, but other than that he's content and quiet.
You can buy programs to rip DVDs into iPod format, put all her favorite DVDs on it or even buy her favorite shows from iTunes to put on it. That with coloring books, a snack, and a couple toys should hold her over.How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?
thats my daughters b-day lol anyways, depends on the time of day.
If its nap time or night time she might sleep a lot of it, if not then take some snacks ( or lot..) coloring books, crayons, stickers, books, toys.. whatever shes into. Sit her next to the window so she can look out and be entertained with that at times and dont be afraid to get up and let her walk up and down the isle.
I have taken my kids in much longer plane rides ( one was 8 h + 2 other 1 h connecting flights) when they were little and sure, sometiems you draw dirty looks but mostly people around you are pretty understanding about kids and many ( especially older women) like to play and entertain young kids. I know my 6 mos old sat in a lap of many grandmas while crossing atlantic.How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?Pack a few of her favorite *small* toys. Maybe some legos, a stuffed animal, or a Barbie/baby doll. A coloring book and crayons would also be a great form of entertainment. You should also pack a few books and read to her if she starts to get fussy. If the plane is playing a movie that could be a form of entertainment for her right there. Snacks and a pillow would be good to have as well in case she gets hungry or sleepy.How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?
You can bring a few things that she likes. Or in some store they have those little DVD players, get those bring her favorite DVDs and play them for her. Does she like to color? Bring a coloring book or some paper.
***** For her nap time on the plane, bring a little cushion for her to nap on.How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?PORTABLE DVD PLAYER and headphones! small toys nothing thats going to make allot of noise, and coloring books are always good!How to entertain a two year old on a 3 hour plane?
Coloring, Dolls, Toys, Snacks and stuff. She might sleep too so that's good. Bring her favorite things along.
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