Monday, January 30, 2012

Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?

My husband and I are going on vacation for 3 days w/o our 6 mo old son (he will be w Grandma) and I of course will be pumping. I don't want to toss all the milk but am not sure how to store and transport via plane w/o access to a freezer. Any ideas?Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?Find an ice house where you are going and stock up on dry ice. I don't know how long dry ice lasts, but you may have to make multiple purchases. Take a large cooler, packing tape, and milk storage bags with you. When it is time to go home, seal the cooler with the packing tape and check it with your luggage.Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?
My friend used a small cooler...or a lunch box and small ice packs.Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?I would check with the airline, they have a tight wrap on liquids right now. My SIL couldn't even bring bottles of baby lotion or shampoo when they flew unless they were less then a certain amount of ounces.Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?
Don't bother. By the time you transport it you will be home, unless you send it next day air (Styrofoam box with dry ice pack, just like you transport food) which will cost you an arm and a leg (think 40 dollars per package depending on where you are vacationing).

I do have a suggestion. Pump now and freeze it. Frozen breast milk can last for 3-6 months roughly (And I know your not staying that so just feed the baby then pump a little more for the freezer and store it. I had to do this for a little while when my girlie was in the nicu (preemie). It really just may make sense for you to pump and toss while your on vaca.

Edit: You know what? I wasn't thinking of you saying bring it home, I was thinking ship it home. You could just freeze it in your hotel/lodging freezer until you are ready to go home then use a small cooler with an ice pack (again depending on how long your flight is). It should stay frozen for a while.Any ideas on how to transport 3 days of breastmilk by plane?I might just toss it because it seems like it would be a hassle to get it through security, especially if you don't have a baby with you.

You can always make more. :-)

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