Monday, February 6, 2012

What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?

Previously they have popped badly on plane rides, and I want to know anything to prevent my ears from popping. Thanks!What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?In addition to chewing gum you can smell some eucalyptus oil (put a few drops on a handkerchief).

I have a colleague who used to be a flight attendant and she swears by putting a warm cup against your ears (ask the flight attendant for a tea or coffee, drink it and then put the cup against your ears).

My masseuse reckons cupping your hands over your ears and then pulling them away will stop popping.What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?
chew gum.What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?Listen to music and chew gum:)What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?
Yawning helps as does chewing gum, drinking water helps to keep you hydrated. If you get off a plane and noticed your ears are still clogged, try to swallow with your mouth open-it's hard to do but can be done.What can I do to prevent my ears from popping on a plane?Get earplanes! They are soft flexible ear plugs will totally help you~ They are available at most stores.

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